Due Diligence: Getting to Know Victoria Verdan



Our next “Due Diligence: Getting To Know…” employee spotlight is on: Senior Project Manager Victoria Verdan in New York.

Macro: Tell us a bit about yourself.

Victoria: I grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area where I spent most of my after-school life traveling for club volleyball and AAU basketball as well as practicing Taekwondo as a 2nd degree black belt. I moved to New York for undergrad at NYU Tandon School of Engineering where I majored in Civil Engineering and minored in Structural Engineering and Sustainable Urban Environments. I joined Macro in late 2019 and have spent the past few years working on a mega project in downtown Manhattan. Outside of work, I’m usually testing out new recipes, practicing different martial arts (currently Brazilian jiu-jitsu), or planning my next trip – anything from paragliding in Switzerland to urban hiking in Hong Kong.

Macro: What do you love most about your work or working for Macro?

Victoria: At Macro, we’re all about embracing a culture of continual learning, and I truly learn something new every day. Plus, I’ve been given the freedom to explore areas beyond my usual expertise. Take my current project, for instance. Initially, I was focused solely on the structural aspects. But now, I’ve become quite the expert on master building systems integration, from paralleling gear to automatic transfer switches. It’s amazing how much you can grow when you’re given the opportunity to dive into something new!

Macro: What is your favorite part of the project life cycle, and why?

Victoria: Easily the construction phase – seeing the fruits of your labor start to culminate into something tangible is what has always drawn me towards engineering and construction. The topping out ceremony is a huge milestone that I always look forward to witnessing.

Macro: What is the one thing you couldn’t make it through the day without?

Victoria: A good throwback playlist, usually ranging anywhere from Usher and Nelly to Def Leppard and the Scorpions. Also, iced chai!

Macro: What are your tried and true “work hacks”?

Victoria: Blocking off heads down time on my calendar. I’m in back-to-back meetings most of the time, so it’s crucial for me to create blocks of time where I can focus on specific tasks or deliverables. Also, sticky notes! At the end of the day, I jot down key items that I need to follow up on, then I stick the notes to the bottom of my monitor. It’s always the first thing I see when I get to my desk in the morning.

Macro: What hard and soft skills do you lean on most in your day-to-day work?

Victoria: A key soft skill for me would be adaptability. The rate of change in any given construction project is so high, whether it’s due to unforeseen delivery delays or a late scope change request. As project managers, we need to be able to think outside the box and produce solutions to stay ahead of the curve. For hard skills, I’d say automated reporting in Procore or the ability to manage detailed trackers in Excel or Smartsheet.

Macro: What surprises people about your job?

Victoria: People are always surprised not only at the depth of detail, but also the range of responsibilities we manage in our projects. One day, I could be in an OAC meeting coordinating freight access for trades, while the next I’m in a two hour-long meeting deciding on whether to implement single or dual flush toilets. It all depends on the day!

Macro: If you could give one piece of advice to a young professional, what would it be?

Victoria: Be a sponge – absorb the information around you, ask questions, and always be curious.

Macro: Describe yourself in 5 words or less.

Victoria: Serial email re-writer.